Fence Cleaning in Ipswich
If your Ipswich home has seen a round of house cleaning and building exterior washing but still seems incomplete and dull, the missing element may be your fence. It needs a round of cleaning and washing as well so that the whole property looks neat and complete.
Keeping fences clean is very important for a number of reasons. A clean fence is welcoming to guests and also helps increase the value of your property. To know more about Fence Cleaning, visit the A Clean House Washing website or call 0419778863.
Wooden fences can quickly become covered with green algae or mildew. This can make them look ugly and can cause the wood to deteriorate over time. This is especially true if the fence is in a shaded or moist location. Often the algae can be removed with a garden hose or pressure washer at a low setting. This is best done on a sunny day so that the fence can dry completely and not start to grow mold again.
If the algae is really bad, you can use a household bleach solution. Mix one part bleach to two parts water in a bucket and then apply it with a scrub brush. Be careful not to get the bleach solution on any plants that may be growing near the fence. After scrubbing the green spots off, you can use a fungicidal paint or sealant to minimize the chances of them coming back.
Dirty fences are prone to discoloration, which makes them look less welcoming. Luckily, cleaning them is relatively easy with the right equipment. It’s best to avoid washing the fence during extreme weather or in direct sunlight. This helps prevent damage to the surface.
When cleaning a vinyl fence, use an eco-friendly bleach solution (such as oxygen bleach) that’s safe for the environment and effective against mold, mildew, and other organic growths. You should also test the cleaning solution on an inconspicuous area of your vinyl fence before applying it.
In addition to dirt, stains from oil; grease; wax; crayon; and tar require solvents such as mineral spirits or VM&P naphtha to remove them. These chemical solutions are harsh, so you’ll want to be sure that you’re using them sparingly.
Even the most beautiful fence can look dingy with the build-up of mildew, algae, or dark stains. The good news is that it’s usually fairly easy to remove these blemishes with some elbow grease and a garden hose or pressure washer.
If you’re cleaning a vinyl fence, be sure to use an eco-friendly bleach solution such as oxygen bleach. This is safer for the environment than chlorine bleach and still just as effective at removing tough stains, killing mold, and disinfecting surfaces. Be sure to test the bleach solution in an inconspicuous area of your vinyl fence before applying it to the entire surface. Also, be sure to cover surrounding plants with a tarp or spray the solution on a lower pressure setting so you don’t damage them.
A clean fence can dramatically enhance your home’s curb appeal and help it maintain its value. Regular maintenance, including routine washing by professional cleaners, can keep your vinyl or wooden fences looking new for years to come.
It’s not hard to see how a dirty fence can lose its curb appeal. But a dirty fence can also lose its structural integrity. Eventually, that could cause the entire structure to fall during a storm or strong wind. That’s why a good cleaning plan should be put in place. Combined with other outdoor chores, such as mowing and weeding, it’s an easy way to make sure that your fence is getting the care it needs on a regular basis.
If you have a Colorbond fence, there are several liquid solutions that can be used to remove water stains, including a mix of half cool water and bleach or equal parts hydrogen peroxide and water. Before using any chemicals on your fence, however, speak with a fencing professional. If you use a chemical that’s not recommended for your fence type, it could void the BlueScope guarantee. Another great way to protect your fence is to coat it with a premium stain or sealant, which will help keep it from being penetrated by water in the first place. To know more about Fence Cleaning, visit the A Clean House Washing website or call 0419778863.